Inbound Marketing: What’s all the fuss about?

Inbound marketing magnet

Inbound marketing creates a system of reciprocity where: quality content overcomes objections and solves problems; customer-centric products engage and reengage customers; and satisfied customers draw in new customers.

Google Algorithm Updates

Google algorithm updates

Ever wondered what all the fuss is about Google algorithm updates? Read about some of the main algorithm updates including BERT, Fred, Possum, RankBrain, Mobilegeddon, Pigeon, Hummingbird, Penguin and Panda below. Cute pictures included! Google BERT Update - 2019 When did this Google update happen? The Google BERT update was rolled out in the United States …

Why You Need an About Us Page

Why you need an about us page

The About Us page is one of those dusty corners of a corporate website that often gets overlooked. On a surprising number of major brand sites, you'll find an About Us section that's unimpressive, out-of-date or just plain non-existent. But who cares, everyone already knows who they are so why bother - right? What about …

How to Optimise Your Website for Search Engines

How to optimise your website for search engines

"Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day." This fact from SEO Tribunal highlights a massive opportunity. To take full advantage of this opportunity you need to not only focus on individual content pages but step back and take a look at your website as a whole.

How to Optimise Your Page for Search Engines

How to optimise your webpage for search engines

"93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine." This stunning fact from Forrester, a leading market research company in the US, reminds us of just how important it is to be part of this initial online experience.